Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas in britain

                                                Christmas in Britain

In a country that is becoming ever more secular the traditional British obsession with Christmas becomes more and more difficult to understand. Along with the commercial fest it provides more and more justification for a celebration in the midst of the dismal world that beckons outside with its wintry weather.

Christmas is signaled by a spate of office parties and most firms will often have a Christmas party for their employees. This usually brings the refrain that more is needed in January but of course by this time other forces are at work and it is forgotten. Drunken and disgraceful behavior is usually laughed off which is quite fortunate for the many who do over indulge.

At the same time commercialism is rampant with the average person not really being able to describe the reason for the celebration in an increasingly secular country. In fact it often appears more like a folk festival.
At the beginning of December Christmas lights go up in all the main centres. Most towns have them ad many individuals plan their own lights as well. Often you will see displays that are privately made on the theme of merry Christmas.

However there is a down side as well as the whole country effectively shuts down for this period and in many places you will get the refrain, ”Oh we will sort it out in the new year”  In many cases Christmas presents are being bought in August and there is little doubt that the running will be made for a Christmas season soon after the commercial fests of Halloween and Guy Fawkes night are over.

Christmas is very much a family time and often there are times when for those without close family it can be very lonely. A surge of charities try to help but their resources are limited. There was one initiative called Crisis at Christmas which tried to bring homeless people in over the Christmas period. That included mainly people who were sleeping rough. It begs the question however of what happens to these people the rest of the time.

Another concomitant is that many family fight start around this time. The family get together often turns sour and the fights continue into the new year and beyond.

In London itself the entire public transport system shuts down so all there is is some taxis charging ruinous prices for the business. The moral of the story is of course that you have to be where you aim to be the day before. After the great fest the world wakes up to the fact that new year is dawning. After the initial heady element of New Year ’s Eve the country generally settles into a mood of depression. Most people are broke financially having maxed out on the credit cards to pay for the Christmas splurge. Even the lengthening days bring little cheer and or many people January and February are the most depressing months of the ear. Spirits only seem to lift a bit in March with the arrival of the spring.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Beer and Swimming

                                                Beer and swimming

As I travel quite a lot I often encounter things to do and being passionately fond of swimming I often try swimming in pools in towns I travel to. Forget about the gym as in England particularly most gyms will charge you a large fee for an induction before they let you use their equipment.

At the moment there is a lot of focus on healthy living and I thought it interesting to try a comparison of the price ratio of having a swim to having a beer in three countries I have been to. It all started when I had a conversation with a Czech friend who bemoaned the fact that the price of a swim if you are not a member of a particular scheme was exactly the same in the Czech Republic as in The UK but people there earn less.

However I thought it instructive to compare the prices of having a swim in four countries with the price of having a beer. At the moment the government belabors us nonstop about the nation drinking too much s so this would be instructive.

Of course having taught maths before I realize tables can be difficult to take in so I have tried to keep them to a minimum. Obviously prices can vary according to the establishment and my recent experience in Poland is just based on one town Katowice. I do not make any pretense to scientific scholarship in this but it is quite interesting and bears out the contention that healthy living can be more expensive.  Figures have been rounded.

Average price of a beer
Average price of a swim
Ratio of cost swim:beer
United Kingdom
1.7 : 1
Czech Republic
29 Kc
99 Kc
3.4 : 1
90 din
250 din
2.8 : 1
5 zl
50 zl
10 : 1

On this basis Poland clearly comes out the worst and the UK not to badly with Serbia being slightly better than the Czech Republic.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Breastfeeding Scandal

                        Breast feeding scandal

A recent ruckus has erupted in London over quite a strange issue. One of London’s most opulent hotels Claridges apparently asked a breastfeeding mother to cover up. This has united a whole series of disparate elements into the campaign. Outraged mothers are holding demonstrations outside the hotel. To cap it all other politicians have tended so far to stay silent but the leader of the UK Independence party has appeared to back the staff.
The cries of outrage have been swirling round the internet and the hotel has been forced to say that they do in fact allow breastfeeding.
It has emerged as one of the small issues of the day and the papers are full of the legal niceties saying that a ban is apparently discriminatory.
Of course this is a minefield as some people claim to be offended by the sight. Personally I find it a beautiful sight and cannot imagine anybody really objecting. It symbolizes to me a mother’s love and I am not offended by the sight myself. However it has certainly started a small storm and the hotel is really being forced to clarify its position under the weight of protests and publicity